Saving Our Sharks Initiative #QueensOfTheOcean
Zamia has been working very closely with the Saving Our Sharks Foundation to help develop and guide them on their newest campaign: #QueensOfTheOcean.
Through wide-ranging programs across the region, SOSF has supported saving thousands of sharks and gathered hundreds of allies. The foundation's goal is to “build a global movement to save sharks” and influence people's perceptions regarding shark conservation towards a better understanding of their importance for ocean and reef health.
The “Queens of The Ocean” campaign is centered on the female Bull Sharks that visit Playa del Carmen yearly to give birth to their baby sharks. These ladies have the important job of keeping shark populations away from becoming reduced and hence endangered like so many are according to IUCN's red list. The campaign includes the opportunity to win a generous giveaway that includes a shark dive for two people, two nights in a new luxury hotel, all meals and much more!
Our Outcome: Check out the campaign here and join us! The Queens campaign has brought awareness of the ecological role of the Queen Bull Sharks in regional conservation and appreciation for the queen mommas. The social media community and local community have grown around this symbol of hope for sharks. Local shark ambassadors and dive shops proudly received their “Shark Ambassador Kit” as part of their commitment to shark conservation and are actively promoting Best Practices for scuba diving with Sharks and sustainable tourism in the region. Most importantly it has been a memorable shark season with a considerable increase in shark sightings and citizen science collaboration from divers reported throughout the entire region. We are pleased to report that change and collaboration towards shark conservation is possible!. Stay tuned! Zamia will be working with SOSF on a new 2023 campaign which we hope to launch in spring and we have quite a few surprises.
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